Landing Your Next Role
Competing for a job can be overwhelming. You are one of dozens, maybe even hundreds, who want the same position, some with more experience, and you might not always know how to set yourself apart. In the Landing Your Next Role series, Jennifer Acosta, Managing Director at J.P. Morgan, shares her best advice for moving you from candidate to new hire in minute-long videos that get right to the point.
Resume Advice
Interviewers, like Jennifer, are looking for these key things when the resume of a college student or recent grad lands on her desk.
Interview Prep
Preparing for an interview can go a long way in determining your success in it. Do these things before your next interview.
Acing the Interview
Interviewing is where the greatest connection is made between the candidate and employer. Make the most out of those opportunities with these quick tips.
Post Interview
Your interviewer needs more than a ‘thank you’ after speaking with you. Increase your impact with these tips and be an applicant that’s unforgettable (in a good way!)
Were these helpful? What else would you like to learn?