
2022 AFP Strategic Role of Treasury Survey


This 2020 AFP FP&A Survey: The Technology and Data Platform Supporting Finance Decisions examines FP&A’s abilities in the areas of data-analysis-action by focusing on the quality and accessibility of the data, and the planning and analytical tools available to examine and find meaning in that data to help drive actions. The information in this survey report will enable those in the finance community to understand their own capabilities relative to their peers, set goals for continued growth and understand the challenges in attaining those goals. The responses of nearly 500 FP&A professionals form the basis of this report.

AFP thanks Workday for its underwriting support of the 2020 AFP FP&A Survey: The Technology and Data Platform Supporting Finance Decisions.


Download Interactive Findings       

Companion Webinar: Results from the 2020 AFP FP&A Survey

This webinar originally aired on Wednesday, January 20th, 2020. Click the link below to access the recorded webinar.

recorded webinar 


Press Inquiries

Press release - Survey: Forecasting Services to Remain in Demand in 2021

If you are interested in referencing data from this report in marketing materials, etc. please contact Anissa Holm, Research Manager.

Contact [email protected] or call 301.907.2862 for more in-depth information, to read the full report or to arrange an interview with the AFP Research team.

bryan_lapidus_web-(002)Questions about this subject?
Contact Bryan Lapidus, Director of FP&A Practice at AFP.