
3 Ways to Match Payments with Remittance Information
Matching payments with remittance information presents challenges for treasury departments; explore available options and their limitations.


New Guide Identifies the Blind Spots in Investment Analysis
AFP's guide, The Missing Links in Investment Analysis, examines building a portfolio management strategy for successful investments.


March Risk Newsletter: Why Treasurers Should Oversee ERM
This issue emphasizes the role of corporate treasurers in enterprise risk management and provides tips on fighting cybercrime and preparing for global risks.


FP&A Interview: Swiss Re’s Andreas Schertzinger
Need more proof that these are challenging times for FP&A professionals? On the day that AFP spoke with Zurich-based Andreas Schertzinger, Head Reinsurance FP&A, Managing Director, Swiss Re, the Swiss central bank abandoned its currency cap, and the resulting Francogeddon saw the CHF rise more than against the euro and dollar in one day.


AFP In-Depth: Treasury Insights on Fraud, Cybersecurity
Rue Jenkins, assistant treasurer at Costco, discusses the effectiveness of EMV technology in card-present transactions and improving cyberpayment security.


How the FP&A Certification Can Lead to Immediate Success
FP&A certification proves beneficial for Todd Peterson, leading to a promotion.


Cybersecurity: Setting an Appropriate Management Strategy
The CTC Guide to Cybersecurity helps organizations establish effective cybersecurity management strategies, including treasury departments.


February Risk Newsletter: The Top Drivers of Uncertainty
When it comes to risk, the results are in: Check out the 2015 AFP Risk Survey in the February issue of Risk newsletter to learn the top five drivers of uncertainty.


AFP Fraudwatch: Think Twice Before Sending that Wire
Stay informed about the risks associated with wire transfers and the prevalence of business email compromise scams impacting corporate treasurers.


12 Tips to Decide When to Return Capital to Shareholders
Based on interviews with treasury practitioners, AFP collected the 12 pointers to help treasury groups in the process of determining their organization’s capital structure.


‘Stick to Your Knitting’: 3 ERM Challenges for Treasurers
When it comes to leading their company's ERM efforts, corporate treasurers who want to gain a broader role often face three key challenges.


AFP Survey: Earnings Uncertainty, Cyberattacks Top of Mind
2015 AFP Risk Survey reveals leveling off of uncertainty over corporate earnings and growing concerns about cyberattacks.


FP&A Professionals: Why Driver-Based Planning Matters
Driver-based planning can reduce non-value-added activities in FP&A processes, addressing CFOs' dissatisfaction. Dubai FP&A Club explores this approach.


Speaking at AFP Annual: 6 Ways Your Submission Can Stand Out
Learn how to make your session submission stand out for a chance to speak at AFP's Annual Conference.


Chip & PIN for Americans: Too Difficult, Or Too Costly?
Learn about the delay in implementing chip-and-PIN technology for credit cards in the United States.


Tips on Presenting Financial Data to the Executive Team
Gain insights on effectively presenting financial data to executives who may not have a numerical focus in their daily work.


Futures in Finance: How to Prepare for Meeting with the CFO
Prepare for treasury meetings with internal stakeholders, learn key leadership traits, and get tips on self-marketing in this month's issue.


AFP Guide: How to Conduct a Successful Banking RFP
Best practices for conducting a successful banking request for proposal (RFP) in treasury.


Treasury Tips: How to Convey Your Message to the CFO
Treasurer's guide to effectively conveying messages to CFO and internal stakeholders.


AFP Chairman: Leadership Traits ‘Innate and Learned’
Explore the leadership traits that contribute to success, whether innate or learned, as highlighted by AFP Chairman Anthony Scaglione.


Treasury Best Practices: Creating a Detailed M&A Plan
Integrating an acquisition or merger presents a complex challenge for the treasury organization. It is therefore imperative that treasury has a clear plan as to how it wants to integrate a new company, as well as a solid understanding of the complexities that may arise during integration.


Around the World, FP&A Goes by Many Names
Explore the different names and terms used for financial planning and analysis (FP&A) outside of the US.


7 Tips for Designing an Effective Dashboard for Management
When using graphics to create management reporting dashboards, FP&A professionals must tailor the images to their audience. How that’s done depends on the objective of the message.


November FP&A Newsletter: 20 Data Visualization Tips
The FP&A newsletter offers valuable insights from industry peers, including tips for data visualization, rolling forecasts, and communication.


Case Study: How Dresser-Rand Implemented a Global Cash Pool
Learn about Dresser-Rand Group's implementation of a global cash pool and how it enhances the availability and liquidity of previously trapped cash.


Why Multinationals Should Consider Invoicing in RMB
Explore the growth and impact of renminbi (RMB) cross-border trade in the five years since its pilot introduction, as discussed during the 2014 AFP Annual Conference.


Project Management: A Crucial Skill for Treasury and Finance
Learn about treasury professionals' evolving role as project managers in a preview of the 2014 AFP Annual Conference with Peter Biglin and Steve C. Phillips.


Simplifying Swaps: Why Use Risk Participation Agreements?
Looking for a way to execute swaps without having to deal with a multitude of banks? Try a risk participation agreement.


4 Steps for Hiring the Right Financial Professional
Talent management specialists provide four steps treasury and finance leaders must follow if they want to hire the right staff members.


Six FP&A Lessons to Learn from Walgreens’ Forecasting Woes
Gain insights from finance professionals on lessons learned from Walgreens' $1 billion forecasting error, offering valuable perspectives on financial forecasting.


Amid Ukraine Escalation, More Woes for Treasury and Finance
Escalating Ukraine tensions create challenges for multinational treasury and finance operations.


Bank Account Reconciliation Easier than Ever, Says New AFP Guide
Discover best practices for bank account reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and fraud prevention in treasury operations.


Financial Modeling: Painting the Future
Financial modeling requires precision calculations and appropriate subjectivity for effective decision-making.


Leadership in Treasury: Gavin Waugh, Treasurer, Wendy’s
Gavin Waugh, the treasurer of Wendy's, tells how he achieved his career goal, and how he keeps his team motivated.


Case Study: Vanguard’s SWIFT Implementation
Vanguard improves payments processes and risk management through treasury workstation implementation.


Case Study: Improving the Collections Process
Greg Baldwin, Deputy Treasurer for Johnson County, Kansas, tells how his office streamlined its collections process.


AFP Releases New Guide on FP&A Organizational Structures
The AFP Guide to FP&A Organizational Structures: Trends & Best Practices, sponsored by Wdesk, explores the various approaches to an FP&A organizational structure. The guide provides an overview of different companies’ approaches and emerging trends, delves into the pros and cons of each approach, and offers a list of best practices.


19 Actionable Spreadsheet Tips for FP&A Professionals
Enhance your spreadsheet skills with 19 actionable tips for faster and better financial analysis in FP&A.


Where Should Treasurers Store Bank Account Data?
Recently on AFP’s discussion list, corporate treasury and finance professionals discussed where they store bank account data.


BI & Analytics: Key Tools for FP&A Professionals
The role of FP&A professionals involves planning, budgeting, analysis, and decision support, with modern BI and analytics representing the next generation of tools.


Displaying 1121-1160 of 1181 results.
