
Understanding Cash Concentration and How It Can Help Your Company
Cash concentration is a key aspect of liquidity management and treasury operations. Utilizing this practice serves to improve organizational liquidity and reduce potential losses emerging from acts of fraud.


Standard Chartered Joins AFP DEI Initiative
Standard Chartered has joined AFP’s DEI Initiative for Treasury and Finance, which introduces treasury and finance careers to college students and early career professionals and helps them further develop their careers.


4 Steps to Getting the Information You Need to Build a Financial Model
When it comes to skills that are critical to success in finance, being able to build a model tops the list. Finance professionals are confronted with a multitude of problems every day; each problem has a unique solution — and in many cases, requires a custom-built model.


Sustainability Reporting Is Coming to Corporate Finance
2023 is going to be a pivotal year for Chief Financial Officers and corporate finance as sustainability (or E.S.G.) metrics are integrated into financial reporting packages.


Your Questions About Payments Fraud Answered
In part two of a two-part article, experts from a companion webinar to the 2023 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey, underwritten by J.P. Morgan, answer treasury professionals’ questions about payments fraud.


Far From Over, Payments Fraud Keeps Pace with Modern Tools and Methods
Payments fraud is still a serious threat to every organization. Wherever fraudsters can find relaxed controls within an organization, they have a scheme designed to penetrate it. In a companion webinar to the 2023 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey, underwritten by J.P. Morgan, experts shared their perspectives on the latest fraud trends and offered solutions that can help you respond to ever more sophisticated threats.


Navigating Budget Season: 5 Essential Strategies for Building Finance Team Resilience
Budget season is a critical time for finance teams. The pressure is on to deliver accurate forecasts while meeting tight deadlines. To thrive during this challenging period, finance leaders must employ strategies that promote resilience and empower their teams to perform at their best.


Treasury and Finance Professionals’ Salaries Rise as Employers Face Talent Shortage
Nearly 60% of treasury and finance functions report that they are facing a talent shortage, according to the 2023 AFP Compensation Survey. Not only does talent scarcity impact business leaders and human resources — given the substantial time and cost it takes to hire and onboard a new employee — but it also negatively impacts existing employees.


Overrated or Underrated: Zero-Based Budgeting, Data Science, Forecast Accuracy and Beginner Excel Modeling Skills
We asked finance professionals on AFP’s North America FP&A Advisory Council to discuss what they think is overrated or underrated in finance. Here is what they had to say.


The SEC’s Money Market Reforms: Balancing Regulation and Execution
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made an announcement on July 12, 2023, regarding Money Market Fund Reforms, highlighting their continued and ongoing goals, according to Chair Gensler, to implement “rules [which] will make money market funds more resilient, liquid, and transparent, including in times of stress.”


Overcoming the Loss of Receivables Transaction Data
Working with a legacy system that was largely manual, Shearer’s Foods used to rely on the knowledge of long-time employees to match imprecise payments with invoices outstanding. After incorporating advanced automation, the treasury team was able to strengthen working capital and create more efficiencies in their processes.


FPAC Profile: Data Analytics and Financial Modeling Are Vital Skills in Her Role in the Automotive Industry
After graduating from The German University in Cairo, Egypt, Sarah Badawy, FPAC, strode right into the field of financial planning and analysis with her very first job as Budgeting and Planning Deputy Section Head for Bank Audi. She spent two years there before moving on to Senior Financial Analyst for The Roots Holding Company, where she served for just over a year before accepting the position of Senior Pricing and Financial Analyst with her present company of Al-Mansour Automotive Company.


AFP Survey Illuminates Key Factors of Successful DEI Policies
Sixty-eight percent of organizations have either instituted or are actively working on creating a DEI policy, according to the 2023 AFP Compensation Survey. Of those treasury and finance professionals who said that their organizations have a DEI policy in place, 47% reported that the DEI policy at their organization is successful, while 12% said it is unsuccessful and 41% are unsure.


Organizations’ Cash and Short-Term Allocation to Bank Deposits at Lowest Level in 4 Years
Forty-seven percent of organizations’ cash and short-term allocation are maintained in bank deposits, according to the 2023 AFP Liquidity Survey, underwritten by Invesco. This figure is down 8 percentage points from 2022 and is the lowest recorded in four years.


An Urgent Revamp to Reporting
After a private equity firm acquired a professional services company, a VP of FP&A came on to overhaul the monthly reporting for the new management and owners. The VP was tasked with bolstering the technical ability to get the reporting out and the challenge of designing reports that meet the different needs of various stakeholders.


The Final Days of LIBOR as We Know It: What to Do if You’re Not Ready
USD LIBOR, the floating rate benchmark representing the rate at which banks borrow and lend to each other in the Eurodollar markets, will cease being published after June 30, 2023. While a rate, “Synthetic LIBOR,” will still be published by LIBOR’s administrator and will appear on a Reuters Screen, it will not “be representative” of the underlying markets.


7 Essential Investment Considerations for Short-Term Cash
With institutional money market yields now greater than 5% in several instances, corporate cash managers may need to reassess their short-term investment strategies. Our current yield environment is significantly higher than the prevailing rates observed in recent years. Indeed historically, short-end rates have never climbed so far so fast.


The Financial Rewards of Sustainable Strategies
At the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business (CSB), we believe companies that embed sustainability into their corporate strategy and decision-making processes will deliver positive social impact and higher business value as seen through revenue growth, increased profitability and higher valuations.


Advice from a Treasury Recruiter on Achieving Career Success
How can treasury professionals stand out to recruiters? What career opportunities are there for treasury professionals outside of standard nine-to-five roles? And how can treasury advocate for its value?


Advice from a Treasury Recruiter on Networking
The career benefits of networking are numerous, including gaining more exposure to career opportunities and learning from peers with similar interests. How can treasury professionals expand and maintain their network?


Advice from a Treasury Recruiter on Building a Personal Brand
There are many benefits to building a strong personal brand, including expanding your network and gaining more exposure to career opportunities. What can treasury professionals do to build their personal brand?


Advice from a Treasury Recruiter on Finding a Mentor
A mentor can have an incredibly positive influence on your career by providing feedback and encouragement and helping you identify and achieve career goals. But how do you find a mentor, particularly if you’re in treasury?


How We Tamed the Budget Monster
An AFP member explains how a siloed work culture and time-consuming annual budget process created a rift between finance and the business at his company, and how creating a culture of forecasting promoted collaboration.


The Journey from FP&A to CFO
Many of the skills that make FP&A a strategic partner to the business lead well into the skills that make the CFO a trusted advisor. It’s no surprise then that FP&A has become a career stop for many on the path to CFO. At an AFP FP&A roundtable, one CFO shared his story of how he went from working almost exclusively in FP&A to becoming a CFO.


Bringing the Best of FP&A to the Organization
Nikita M. Miller, FPAC, has kept an FP&A lens on her work since her first job, before FP&A was even in her job title. Her interest in looking at the business as a whole ultimately led to her current role as Director of Facilities plus FP&A at The Kresge Foundation in Detroit.


Add “Change Measurement” to Your “Change Management” to Increase Success
Focusing only on the technical aspects of change within an organization can result in a new system that operates precisely the way it should — and is still a failure. Successful change management requires that we consider the human factor, engaging stakeholders as they move through the various stages of adoption.


FedNow Is Coming! So What?
For corporate practitioners dealing with money movement, it would have been hard to miss news of the pending launch of FedNow. The Federal Reserve has been working on this instant payment offering since 2019. FedNow is the first major new payment capability delivered by the Fed in more than four decades. As of this writing, FedNow is slated for delivery in July 2023.


CTP Profile: From the Back Office to Head of Treasury for the Largest Bank in Africa
When Mahmood Radhi, CTP, graduated from college, he headed into the back office of the treasury department of The Arab Investment Company. “Being in such an entry-level position enabled me to learn the whole cycle of treasury’s deal processing, as well as its relevant stockholders, both internal and external,” he said.


What's on the Minds of APAC Treasury Professionals?
AFP’s Himashi Soriano shares key takeaways from the first AFP Asia-Pacific Treasury Advisory Council meeting of 2023. The topic at the top of treasury professionals’ minds? Managing liquidity and risk during an uncertain geopolitical and economic climate.


Getting Your Talent Right Matters for FP&A
In 1975, 83% of the market value of S&P 500 companies was composed of tangible assets such as PPE (property, plant and equipment), inventory, cash, land or stuff you could touch. By 2020, that was down to 10%. The intangibles include goodwill, brand equity, licensing, customer lists, R&D, and intellectual capital assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, preference rights and data capabilities. They also include the value of human capital.


Pankaj Kabra on Why FP&A Is the ‘Sexiest Role in Finance’
Drawing on both his accounting background and finance experience, Pankaj Kabra, Senior Vice President of Finance for Traveloka and AFP Asia-Pacific FP&A Advisory Council member, has been an active business partner for over a decade. Pankaj discusses the essential skills for FP&A, how to obtain those skills and how working in FP&A prepares you for a number of different careers.


Synthetic LIBOR: A Peak Behind the Curtain
USD LIBOR, a floating rate benchmark, is being phased out. The original December 31, 2021 deadline was extended to June 30, 2023, as regulators were concerned with the lack of progress in amending LIBOR-based instruments. Despite that extension, regulators determined that a hard cut-off of LIBOR’s publication after June 30 could still have negative consequences for the financial markets. The solution … Synthetic LIBOR!


As Global Banks Collapse, Corporate Treasurers in the Middle East and Africa Region Consider Potential Effects
As reported by Bloomberg, Credit Suisse “never really learned its lesson from the global financial crisis” of 2008. The effects of the crisis stirred by the missteps of this 166-year-old institution are still being calculated, but it is a fair bet that they will be felt around the world, including the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. For a frontline perspective on how this, plus the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, is affecting the region, we spoke with members of AFP’s MEA Treasury Advisory Council.


CTP Profile: Finance and Treasury Were the Last Things on Her Mind
Finance and treasury as a profession was the last thing on Isha Goel’s mind. As part of her MBA program, they were required to complete a two-month internship, which she did in the finance department of Apollo International Limited. But her interest was in International Business.


Jessie Toh on the Value of Learning from Peers
Five years ago, after 16 years in banking, Jessie Toh made the switch to buy-side treasury. As the Global Treasurer for Coda Payments, a FinTech company headquartered in Singapore, she and her team manage the company’s FX, cash, banking relationships and credit.


How to Prepare for a Treasury or Finance Interview
Preparing for an interview can go a long way toward making a good impression on an interviewer. We review seven things to do before your next interview, including questions to help prepare you for an interview.


Treasury Interview Questions
Interviewing is an important step for candidates and hiring managers to find the right match. When done well, an interview is a two-way conversation where both parties can share what they’re looking for and what they can deliver.


Survey: 65% of Organizations Report Being Victims of Payments Fraud in 2022
Sixty-five percent of respondents report that their organizations were victims of attempted or actual payments fraud activity in 2022, according to the 2023 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey, underwritten by J.P. Morgan.


Corporate Finance Interview Questions
Corporate finance interviews include business case or word problem questions to assess candidates' analytical thinking and grasp of business strategy.


FPAC Profile: Inspired to Become a Business Partner
In 2017, Alex Mbuthia Karuri, FPAC, attended a finance town hall with Smollan’s Global CFO, where he heard an idea that would change his career trajectory: “As finance, we need to start focusing on how we can add value and transform into business partners.” Alex was inspired. His confidence bolstered, he began the journey to become a business partner.


Displaying 121-160 of 1198 results.
