2023 AFP Risk Survey

The 2023 Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) Risk Survey Report: Treasury’s Role in Supporting Organizations in an Uncertain Risk Environment, supported by Marsh McLennan, finds that in the post-pandemic world, organizations continue to face a variety of external risks that are impacting the global banking system, causing supply chain disruptions, and challenging Treasury’s ability to support their organization.
According to the survey, cybersecurity risk is the most challenging risk to manage, followed by macroeconomic risk. Almost half of the practitioners agree that macroeconomic risk will have the greatest impact on earnings in the next three years.
The survey also finds that practitioners believe their organizations are more vulnerable to cyberrisk due to expanded use of technology.
AFP thanks Marsh McLennan for its support of the 2023 AFP® Risk Survey.
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AFP Risk Dashboard:
The AFP Risk Dashboard provides a look into the most impactful risks for organizations based on the 2023 AFP Risk Survey.
Access the AFP Risk Dashboard.
Press Inquiries:
If you are interested in referencing data from this report in marketing materials, etc. please contact Anissa Holm, Research Manager.
Contact [email protected] or call 301.907.2862 for more in-depth information, to read the full report or to arrange an interview with AFP Research.
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Questions about this subject?
Contact Tom Hunt, AFP's Director of Treasury Services.